July 13, 2008

Global Warming

Global warming is not just an issue, it is the issue. Slowly but surely, we, the humans are not only putting ourselves in danger by global warming but also our kids and grandkids. In a few years, it will be to late to fix what we've done. We must act now. We must act strongly and do all we can to prevent global warming! For those of you who don't know a lot about global warming here is the basic idea.

Whenever we drive or turn on the lights, we are using energy. The energy comes from somewhere. Most of the time, it is made by burning fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and gasoline. When these are burned, they emit Carbon Dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere.

Normally, some of the sun's rays are absorbed by the earth, giving us warmth, while others bounce off back into space. This keeps our climate stable and the earth inside safe temperature ranges. When we emit CO2 into the atmosphere, it blocks the reflected rays from going back into space, and reflects them back down at earth. This is something like the conditions in a greenhouse, and is thus called the "Greenhouse Effect". As the Earth's temperature gets warmer, species are thrust out of their niches, forcing them into extinction. It also affects wind and ocean current patterns which cause more hurricanes and tornadoes. Furthermore, it is melting the ice in Antarctica, Greenland, and the Arctic, causing rising sea levels. These will flood cities and wreak havoc with human civilization, displacing hundreds of millions of people!

Animals will be affected even more, as it is much more difficult for them to migrate. Penguins and Polar bears will be left stranded, and eventually driven to extinction.

Al Gore has an excellent book and documentary, both entitled An Inconvenient Truth. It clearly outlines the topic of global warming in greater detail. Among the facts: Because of the effects of less salty ocean water, the Great Conveyor Belt (global system of ocean currents) will stop moving. The Gulf Stream will stop. As a result, the earth will undergo another ice age!!!

We all emit way too much CO2. The average American dumps 5 tons of the stuff into the air each year. There are many ways of cutting down on your emissions:
1. Change a regular light bulb for a Compact Fluorescent Lightbulb (CFL). It costs more, but will last 10 times as long and will save you $150 over it's lifetime. It will also keep several hundred pounds of CO2 out of the air over it's life.
2. Keep your car tires inflated. This will improve your mileage by 3%, and every of gallon of gas you don't burn keeps 20 pounds of CO2 out of the air.
3. Change your air conditioner filter. Save 200 pounds a year.
4. Carpool, walk, or ride a bike if you can. Save hundreds or thousands of pounds a year! Plus, you get exercise.
5. Insulate your heater. Save money on energy costs and cut down on your emissions by over a thousand pounds.
6. If possible, open the window rather than turning on the AC, put on a sweater rather than turning up the heat, and/or set your thermostat 2 degrees colder in the winter and 2 degrees warmer in the summer. Save untold amounts of energy.

We can't just keep avoiding this matter! It is serious and needs to be addressed now! You can make a difference! You can help stop global warming! Please, the world needs your help! If you haven't already, go see AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH!

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