July 13, 2008

Becoming a Vegetarian

Meat is murder. How can you continue to eat chicken when you know that their brutally beaten and kept in cages for their entire, miserable life? Did you know that almost all the chickens that are bred for butchering never have a chance to ever spread their wings?

Imagine being born in a smelly, loud factory where you are immediately put in a cage and kept until your old enough and big enough to be slaughtered, so that some ungrateful person can eat you?

On a more pleasant note becoming a vegetarian really helps you strive toward becoming a good, healthy eater. Plus cutting down on meat reduces and gets rid of the chances of getting such diseases as salmonella, mad cow, heart disease,
anthrax and tuberculosis.

The link below is to an excellent website that will help you on your mission toward vegetarianhood! It has delicious recipes for vegetarians, reasons why you should become one, why it's good for the animals and why it is a very important for our environment.

The only catch to being a vegetarian is you have to make sure you are getting enough protein
! It is easy to forget about that. However with meat being most peoples number one source, you must find substitutes that you like. Here are some good protein filled foods:
Soy (tofu)
These foods allow you to remain healthy and animal friendly!

If ever you start craving a hamburger or are tempted to have some meat watch this video. This is the video that made instantly transform from animal murderer to animal best friend. However I am warning you this video is disturbing. I can guarantee it will make you feel like throwing up numerous times. I can also basically ensure you that after watching this you will never comfortably eat meat again. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIjanhKqVC4

I hope you make the wise decision... you could save this mother pigs life, and her little piglets' as well.

Flexitarian-an omnivore that doesn't eat a lot of meat

Pescatarian-eats fish and no other meat
Vegetarian- eats no meat whatsoever
Vegan-eats no animal by-products, including meat, dairy, eggs, honey

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you want good reasons to go vegetarian check out “21 Reasons to Eat Like A Vegetarian” on HealthyHighways.com.