December 2, 2008

Religion vs. Environment

If religious groups, leaders or texts decided it was time to buckle down and start doing something to fix the current environmental situation I personally believe that the world would experience a sudden and magnificent change. No one truly realizes how religion plays such a key role in millions of peoples lives. For example a few years ago the Dalai Lama implored all people to stop buying and selling animal furs. As a result, hundreds of Tibetans rushed to public squares and immediately started burning all of their clothing made up of fur. People of all different classes especially the lower-class which was all the more telling. Fur is expensive and to see mounds and mounds of animal hide being willingly surrendered, is a sign that people are ready and able to listen to the people they trust and follow. Thus if a religious leader were to say stop driving cars... I am more than willing to bed that some would listen and obey. As a self proclaimed athiest I should probably not be speaking but if anyone has anything to add, please leave a comment with your view.

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