June 3, 2007

The World

The Earth is a very special place. The only problem is not everyone knows it, or appreciates it. What they don't understand is that we only have one. If we destroy the earth we have no where to go. Plus all the innocent animals who didn't do anything have to suffer for our ignorance and our stupidity. My point is that everyone can make a difference. Most people say, "Oh, I don't have to help because one person helping won't make the tiniest change." BUT THAT IS NOT TRUo one does anything because they think someone else will the world would fall apart. One strong person can make a huge difference! Take Al Gore for example, his move and inconvenient truth really opened people's eyes to global warming. It is even what inspired me to write this blog. So, go now and turn of a light that doesn't need to be on and you will be making a difference!

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