September 16, 2007

Jane Goodall

Jane Goodall, my personal hero, grew up in England. As soon as she was able to she started studying animals. She once hid in a chicken coop for hours, and hours waiting to see how a chicken laid an egg. Jane worked hard and eventually met the famed archaeologist, Louis Leakey. Louis Leakey took an immediate liking to Ms. Goodall and invited her out to help him look for fossils with him and his wife. Seeing how well Jane did at that, Leakey arranged for her to go to Africa to study the chimpanzees, however the government said that they did not want to be responsible for the young girl. So Jane's caring mother volunteered to go along too! They set out. At first Jane's studies brought nothing but failures. She just couldn't get close enough to the chimpanzees to observe them properly. However with the help of one particularly curious chimp named Gilbert Grey Beard, she was soon able to become friends with the entire "family". Jane quickly became famous and now spends her life traveling around, making lectures about the environment, chimpanzees, and most importantly... how we can help.

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