July 13, 2008

Animal Testing

Some animals, for their entire lives are forced to live in tiny dark cages or tanks. They are kept in huge noisy, bloody factories. Every morning, they are taken out of their little cage and forced to feel terrible physical and mental pain while we, the humans, stand near and watch. They are given shots, prodded and polked. Then, they are put back in to that small miserable cage, with no light, just enough food to survive, and are forced to suffer the through the next day and the next...

How many of you have a dog, cat, hamster any sort of pet? Then those of you know that sometimes, when you look into their eyes, you feel a connection. You see right then that they have feelings and that they understand. Those animals have brains and as much as some people try to forget it: They can and do feel pain.

Some people think it’s only mice and rats that are suffering. OH NO! Over 25,500 cats were tested on in 2000, and more then half of those test inflicted a ton of pain and agony on the animals. And Dogs: The U.S tested on nearly 65,000 dogs in 2004. However what bothers me most is what we humans do to monkeys. Primates are so close to us I would think that most humans would be morally unable. However obviously I'm wrong. Some chimpanzees have proven they can understand and speak American Sign Language.

Isn't this enough proof that they are human enough not to be kept in cages that are way to small, underfed, studied and injected with shots every day of their short, painful lives. Then only a few years later have all those animals who died be forgotten forever and have that one greedy human get all the credit. Does this seem remotely fair? think of this next time you use Johnson & Johnson, Finesse, Kleenex, Post-its, Vaseline, Neutrogena, Lysol, Listerine, Lubriderm, Huggies, Scotch... the list goes on and on.


Anonymous said...

wow i didn't know kleenex,postit's, and lysol tested on animals! Animal testing is sooooo wrong animals should get the same respect as humans.

Jason B said...

Dude you are so right. Animal testing is just wrong. It shouldnt happen and thats that.

Anonymous said...

im doing a project of animal testing and now i know how messed up it is.