September 8, 2008

Sarah Palin

As you've probably guessed this is not usually a political sight. However in such cases as Sarah Palin exceptions must be made. You see Governor Palin not only believes in drilling in the arctic (To read more about it and why it is wrong click here) and that human's have nothing to do with global warming (to read more about it and why we definitely do have something to do with global warming click here,) but also that polar bears shouldn't even be on the endangered species list. For your information Mrs. Palin there are less than 200,000 polar bears living in the wild. You see Palin is creating a vicious cycle. By drilling in the arctic she is increasing the ocean pollution, destroying the ecosystem and emitting a great deal of C02 into the atmosphere. This in turn adds to the rising temperatures and increases, what Sarah Palin so passionately refuses to aknowledge, the issue the rest of us call Global Warming. Lastly and most importantly, because of the rising temperatures and the melting icecaps, polar bears are left stranded on islands less than half there size. Polar bears must therefore us and have hardlye most of there energy clinging onto to their feeble, rapidly liquefying home any energy left over to hunt for food. This not only affects the mother bear but it also prevents them from providing enough food to feed their babies. Polar bears are dying and as of now there is hardly any baby bears to take their place. You see Palin is not only responsible for not believing in humans causing rising temperatures and the endangered bears, she is also responsible for actually helping cause the problems she insists are not nonexistent.

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