September 13, 2008


Forests are beautiful places. Both rain forests and boreal forests alike. They are homes to many animals such as deers, birds, gorillas, bears, etc. The trees that make up the forests purify our air. Some tribes still live in the rain forest and rely on its natural resources. Unfortunately for all of them our forests are being wiped out!
This horrible process is called deforestation. Deforestation is the permanent destruction of forests and woodlands. Currently 12 million hectares of woodland are cleared annually. At this rate all tropical forests will be cleared by 2050, except for reserved places in the Amazon and national parks. Some places like Costa Rica and Sri Lanka are likely to lose all of there tropical forest by 2010 if nothing is done. That's only 2 years from now.
Now for the consequences. Many animals rely on the forest for food and shelter, well what do you think will happen to all of them when their natural habitats are destroyed? You guessed it! They will slowly become endangered and soon die out. More extensive Climate Change will occur as well. Burning the forests contributes to 20% of the worlds greenhouse gases. These gases burn holes in the ozone layer therefore allowing harmful rays of sun's beams to shine straight down here on earth. These rays are so strong they could burn you within probably five minutes. Yet, all is not lost... yet, there are still ways you can help.
Number one: Cut down on the amount of paper you use. Always use the back of the sheet, even when you print something off of the computer. Also, you can go to if you wish to, you can save an acre of rain forest! Get your school involved and you could save over 100 acres!


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Deforestation is a serious issue that causes a lot of environmental problems like drying of rivers, destruction of some species habitat and very much.